So who do you believe more lately, weathermen or car salesman? For me it's pretty much a tie. I think it's about a 50/50 shot, 50% chance their right, 50% chance their wrong…which is pretty much worthless.
Last evening (Wednesday) I watched the news before I made my way around Sun Country delivering the newspapers to our vendors. "A few flurries, nothing to be concerned about," a local weatherman said…I won't mention any names. And guess where I found myself last night at 11:00 p.m. when I returned home…? At the bottom of the driveway, literally spinning my wheels. My car was stuck there for about an hour, and with the help from my boss, who salted and snow blew the driveway, I was able to get up. Then I thought about the weatherman…
This morning on my way to Palmyra I entered a winter wonderland right before I got to the Palmyra square. They had gotten about four inches. I am sure they had probably watched the same weatherman I did the night before.
On Monday, ABC 27's Mick O'Hearn spent the better part of five minutes ranting and raving about the National Weather Service's premature notification that bad weather was coming. Guess what Mick? 12 hours later areas of Lancaster County had over a foot of snow.
My boss, a former meteorology major, said TV news weathermen have lost the ability to "look out the window." It seems to me these weathermen are to caught up in models and forecasting software. Super Doppler…I think Blooper Doppler fits better.
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